batch processing times

Edward Dekkers edward at
Mon Jun 23 01:55:21 IST 2008

> errors in spamassassin -d --lint or sa-update -D. However, what I am
> seeing is batch processing times all over the map ... sometimes 1 - 3
> seconds and then often times up as high as 25 -30 seconds. Can anyone
> shed some light as to what might be causing these long processing
> times.
> These are happening with batches of only two or three messages.

To me that seems pretty reasonable.

Over my last 10 batches which contain 1 or 2 messages, I'm getting
processing times of 16-52 seconds.

Intel Pentium 4 2.8GHz
512Mb RAM
1.5Mbps/256Kbps ADSL Connection
Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS

I've read all the way through all your e-mails back to the 13th, which I
believe to be your first e-mail, and I cannot find you mention at any stage
what kind of hardware you're running.

So, I have no idea whether your numbers compare well or not.

BUT seriously. Even if it takes 30 seconds at its longest, aren't you being
a bit anal about speed? What's 30 seconds in the e-mail world? This isn't IM
right? Is there a reason it has to be instantaneous?


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