Updating an adopted installation from 4.54

Jay R. Ashworth jra at baylink.com
Wed Jun 18 16:45:05 IST 2008

On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 09:34:10AM -0800, Kevin Miller wrote:
> > Yes, I'm sure it does.  But the instructions only tell you to *run* it
> > if you're doing an in-place upgrade.
> > 
> > I wasn't.  I was trying to do a parallel install, so I could test it
> > and be able to back out if I screwed something up, as I noted.  So I
> > was using the "fresh install" instructions, and they don't mention it,
> > for oblivious raisins.  ;-)
> What I usually do in that situation is to tar up the /etc/MailScanner
> tree and copy it to the new host, then do the install.  The installer
> will see the old conf & rule files, and create .rpmnew flavors.  It
> won't care that it isn't really already installed.  You can then run the
> upgrade_MailScanner script with expected results.

I wasn't, at the time, trying to put it on a separate box.  I am now.

> BTY, Julian's published a book on MailScanner - it's worth the price of
> admission.  Especially if you boss is picking up the tab...

Saw that; thanks for the good review.  I'll grab it.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                   Baylink                      jra at baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com                     '87 e24
St Petersburg FL USA      http://photo.imageinc.us             +1 727 647 1274

	     Those who cast the vote decide nothing.
	     Those who count the vote decide everything.
	       -- (Joseph Stalin)

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