Whitelists Still Not Working?

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Sun Jul 6 22:18:18 IST 2008

on 7-3-2008 5:00 PM Johnny Stork spake the following:
> I sure hope someone can help with this. I have tried this list as well 
> as the mailwatch list but have not had anyone respond with any helpful 
> info. I am sure this must be pretty simple for those that know what they 
> are doing. Here are the details.
> Most recent version of MS and MW running on CentOS 5x
> Mailscanner.conf setting = Is Definitely Not Spam = &SQLWhitelist
> And in the "Lists" section of MW, I have many domains listed as 
> domain.com (without the @ or a specific adddress). Below is an example 
> of whats listed in the "Lists" page of MW and it shows clearly that 
> "futureshop.com" is listed.
> futureshop.com     default     Delete 
> <> 
> And here are the headers for a message that just came in and was tagged 
> as SPAM.  You can see that the from field is " From: Future Shop 
> Newsletter <newsletter at futureshop.com>" so why would this not be 
> whitelisted?
> Can someone please suggest anything that might help?
Are you sure that your sql connection settings are correct in the 
SQLBlackWhiteList.pm file?

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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