small bug in 4.66.5 - log entries missing

Scott Silva ssilva at
Fri Feb 29 18:46:28 GMT 2008

on 2-29-2008 3:38 AM Greg Matthews spake the following:
> Scott, Julian...
> Scott Silva wrote:
>> on 2-28-2008 11:28 AM Julian Field spake the following:
>>> Sure. Please gzip it first. Is all the other logging working okay? 
>>> Does it happen only with exactly this set?
>>> Virus Scanners = clamavmodule
>>> Exactly what log entries don't arrive in your syslog (when compared 
>>> to using a different virus scanner)?
>>> Jules
>> Sorry Julian,
>> I think Greg wanted a copy of mine to see if he had differences, at 
>> least that is what I inferred.
> Got your and the only difference between yours and mine 
> is the patch I posted to correct the log entries (ie using 
> "ClamAVModule" instead of $Name).
> I've compared your MailScanner -V output and there are a few minor 
> differences, most significant is probably Mail::ClamAV - you are using 
> 0.20 and I'm using 0.21. This may be a dead end tho as my test and dev 
> host also runs with 0.21 and doesnt have this problem.
Although it is 0.20, it is Julian's patched version, if that makes any 
difference. I haven't had an opportunity to test 0.21, and am considering 
going to clamd since the clam code has been a moving target for the clam 
module lately.

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