MailScanner 4.66.5 woes on Centos 5.1

shuttlebox shuttlebox at
Sun Feb 17 15:25:59 GMT 2008

On Feb 17, 2008 3:33 PM, Julian Field <MailScanner at> wrote:
> One other possibility is to much with the installation setup of each of
> my required Perl modules, so that they are always installed in the
> "site" tree which should be out of the way of CPAN and RPM. Not sure how
> easy it is to do that though. Any thoughts?

I've been dealing with this on Solaris and even though I packaged a IO
1.2301 module it used the older one from within Perl itself, it only
searches the INC until it finds a match, it doesn't go through the
whole INC and uses the latest module if there are more than one match.
I had to use PERLLIB in a few places and didn't like it so I haven't
officially released a 4.66 Blastwave package. Instead I have asked the
maintainer of Perl to update the included IO which haven't happened
yet. :-(


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