misuse MailScanner

Leonardo Helman mailscanner at lists.com.ar
Tue Apr 8 13:14:55 IST 2008

I don't think ms is the right tool for this.
You don't have retries and you will not have
a good error management inside MS.

I would let the mail server manage the mails,
and get the mails like every other user.

Why don't you try for example getmail or fetchmail

Or maybe in the storage part of your mail server.

Leonardo Helman
Pert Consultores

On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 13:25 +0200, Glenn Steen wrote:
> On 08/04/2008, Michael Weis <wm at meta.net> wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> >  we are planing to create an email-account to which
> >  only mails with attachments will be send.
> >
> >  I have the job to extract this attachments from
> >  the mail and handle them
> >  (save, print, archive)
> >
> >  So far so good, but I have no idea
> >  how to get the attachments to a disk.
> >
> >  I know mailscanner does this while scanning
> >  for viruses (right?).
> >
> >  So how can I tell mailscanner to just save
> >  attachments from a certain user's emails ?
> >  (no problem if they were scanned before)
> >
> >  I searched the mailing-list-archive
> >  but it seemed that nobody has to do this
> >  before.
> >
> You can use numerous tools and do this at several "levels"... Since
> the non-spam quarantine wouldn't contain the "decoded" attachment, you
> can't use that (a simple "store" for that user in a ruleset on Non
> Spam Actions), but rather would have to do something else ... a
> CustomFunction or perhaps the spiffy SpamAssassin rule actions... But
> simplest would perhaps be to use procmail at delivery and/or some tool
> like mmdecode/metamail or whatnot.
> Been a few years (... like ... 10...:-) since last I needed do
> anything like that... might be easier now:-).
> Cheers
> -- 
> -- Glenn
> email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
> work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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