One user whitelisted, everyone gets the spam...

Gareth list-mailscanner at
Mon Sep 24 14:22:03 IST 2007

The only way I know is to configure the MTA to only allow one recipient
per message. The downside of this is that the mail to subsequent
recipients will only be received when the sender retries which means
there will be a delay.

What MTA are you using?

On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 14:10, mailscanner at wrote:
> Hi folks,
> MailScanner 4.60.8 using ClamAV...
> For various long and dull reasons, we have a single user whose mail is 
> not filtered by MailScanner; this is done by a "deliver" rule in a 
> ruleset attached to Spam Actions.
> Annoyingly (to the other users...) this is causing spam to leak through 
> to them, if mail's sent to a bunch of people including this user (where 
> a "bunch" is fewer than 20, that being what "Ignore Spam Whitelist If 
> Recipients Exceed" is currently set to). The worst example I've seen so 
> far is a spam scoring 165 getting through... our usual "delete" 
> threshold is 12.
> I thought about reducing the "Ignore Spam Whitelist" setting, but we do 
> legitimately get emails in addressed to more users than these spams have 
> been (12 - 15 users; the spams have been addressed to around 8 or so)
> Is there a relatively straightforward way of stopping this user's 
> settings from affecting anyone else? (Politics sadly dictates that 
> insisting on filtering his mail in the same way as everyone else's is 
> not a viable way forward.) 
> Thanks
> Mel

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