ANNOUNCE: mailwatch2rbl

Hugo van der Kooij hvdkooij at
Sat Sep 22 14:53:13 IST 2007

On Fri, 21 Sep 2007, Scott Silva wrote:

> ip address [tab] RFC message
> The hard part is expiring entries, not adding them. You can always cat them 
> to the end of the file, but you need some magic to find an entry and remove 
> it when the time limit is up.
> Here are a few generated by Vispan from my system;
>	550 5.5.0 No Spammers Allowed
>	550 5.5.0 No Spammers Allowed
>	550 5.5.0 No Spammers Allowed
>	550 5.5.0 No Spammers Allowed
>	550 5.5.0 No Spammers Allowed
>	550 5.5.0 No Spammers Allowed
> How about adding it to iptables?

If you drop SMTP session on the MTA it will be a final decision. If you 
break it at the TCP level it will be sent to your backup server which may 
not have these restrictions.

I would discourage the use of TCP blocking techniques if favor of SMTP 
blocking actions.


 	hvdkooij at
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