Performance on 64 bit Linux vs 32 Bit

Jason Ede J.Ede at
Tue Oct 23 14:08:07 IST 2007

Although this is a little off topic I don't suppose you have any info on how to set mysql up that way? Currently we just have a central mysql sqlgrey server, but it doesn't tend to like it much when it loses the mysql connection.
From: mailscanner-bounces at [mailscanner-bounces at] On Behalf Of Rob Sterenborg [R.Sterenborg at]
Sent: 23 October 2007 13:57
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: RE: Performance on 64 bit Linux vs 32 Bit

> I cant see how I can use sqlgrey or any other with a common database
> efficiently. If any of my customers mails keeps getting "450
> Try again" from different MXes , I dont think he is going to be happy.
> Nor will my boss be :-(

You're using Postfix which can use Policyd. Policyd uses MySQL and you
can setup MySQL in multi-master replication mode. That way each database
shares the same information.
We have a "slightly" smaller environment so we have only 2 MTA's and 2
MySQL servers (that replicate). It's working for ~10 months now with no
problems so far.

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