yum based install

Hugo van der Kooij hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org
Thu May 24 22:33:26 IST 2007

On Thu, 24 May 2007, Richard Siddall wrote:

> Julian Field wrote:
>>  In which case you have a problem. CentOS 4's main Perl RPM will provide a
>>  different list of modules from that in CentOS 5.
> Unfortunately true.  And the list will be different with older/other distros.
> The elegant way of fixing this would be to have an accurate list of provides 
> for the core Perl RPM, but that's not going to happen.
> I haven't tested it with a repo that has those modules available.  I suspect 
> yum won't like overwriting part of the core Perl RPM.

Ok. There are multiple ways to do this. If Julian is willing to build a 
repository with mailscanner and the meta package I would more or less 
think of ....

Build a list of requirements per distro. I think there might be people 
around who might have made notes. Building the spec file per distro can be 
done by some smart usage of if then constructs that the spec files allow.
I need to dig into this to provide exact details as it was a while ago I 
did a trick like this.

If Julian is willing to allow rpmforge to package mailscanner to fit into 
rpmforge I know there are several peple trampling to go ahead with it. 
(Dag Wiers added perl-Filesys-Df to rpmforge very very shortly after I 
mentioned I needed to do this manually.)

I think someone like Dag might also help you setup your own repository if 
you are addemend you want to keep the repository on mailscanner.info.

This would allow people more familiar with building repositories do what 
they do well and allow Juliad to concentrate on MS itself.

I for one do not care who runs the repository. But having the ability to 
install mailscanner with yum would be more then fun. It would greatly 
simplify the process of keeping up-to-date and duplicating MS 

Well perhaps we should sleep on it for now.


 	hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org	http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/
 	    This message is using 100% recycled electrons.

 	Some men see computers as they are and say "Windows"
 	I use computers with Linux and say "Why Windows?"
 		(Thanks JFK, for the insight.)

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