Enabling bounces
John Wilcock
john at tradoc.fr
Thu May 24 12:52:52 IST 2007
Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> I want to enable bouncing spam to one particular sender server, but
> apparently the bounce doesn't occur.
> I changed the "Enable Spam Bounce" rule to point to the ruleset file and
> added one rule. But the bounce doesn't happen. Do I also need to add
> "bounce" as a spam action?
Yes, you need to add a corresponding ruleset for the spam actions, with
bounce set as an action for the offending sender.
> If so, I don't understand the reasoning behind this. It looks like an
> unnecessary duplication to me. If the only reason is to enable rulesets
> for this action it should better be named "spam bouncing rules" or some
> such.
It is unnecessary in theory, but bouncing spam is such a bad idea in
most cases that I suspect Julian set things this way to provide a double
layer of idiot-proofness to help ensure that you only bounce spam if you
know *exactly* what you're doing.
FWIW I use this very function to bounce any outbound spam sent by my own
users, with the aim of alerting them to potential false positives at the
receiving end.
Likewise, MailScanner won't bounce high scoring spam even if you tell it
to via the Enable Spam Bounce rule (as I found out when I tried to send
a GTUBE to test my setup!)
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