mailscanner error, but doesn't appear to affect delivery?

Daniel Maher daniel.maher at
Tue May 15 22:02:34 IST 2007

> Its looking to use /dev/shm.
> I had the same issue.  Once I setup fstab to load /dev/shm and mounted
> it.. the error went away.
> For some odd reason, with the newest release of MailScanner.. it
> actually wants spamassassin to use /dev/shm.. which actually helps speed
> up scan times.
> However, in previous versions, I found the same "if /dev/shm exists use
> it" for SA and it wasn't being used... but suddenly it does hehe.
> Invoking MailScanner in debug mode would've helped you to figure this out
> :)

If it's looking to use /dev/shm, it's welcome to do so:

# grep shm /etc/fstab
none                    /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0

That said, I restarted mailscanner a few times - just for fun - and now the error has disappeared.  I'm happy that the error is gone, but not as pleased about the fact that waving a dead chicken around seemed to solve it.

Any further insight would be most welcome.

 °v°  Daniel Maher
/(_)\ Administrateur Système Unix
 ^ ^  Unix System Administrator
"The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible." -- Albert Einstein.

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