Exchange/Outlook Specific Settings?

Paul Hutchings paul.hutchings at
Tue Mar 27 19:06:21 CEST 2007

At the risk of setting myself up for a fall, after printing out the
manual and working my way through MailScanner.Conf I now appear to have
a working Postfix + MailsScanner setup.

For now it's sat on the LAN and is simply handling a few test messages.

The intention is ultimately to have this configuration in our DMZ
handling mail to/from our internal Exchange server.

So, given the environment which is 99.9% Outlook sending through
Exchange which smarthosts to the relay box, are there any suggested
tweaks to MailScanner?

I tend to do most of my attachment filtering via Postfix mime header
checks and given how diverse our userbase is I have disabled "Dangerous
Content Scanning" but will be doing virus and spam scanning on inbound
mail (outbound will only be virus checked).

Paul Hutchings
Network Administrator, MIRA Ltd.
Tel: 44 (0)24 7635 5378, Fax: 44 (0)24 7635 8378
mailto:paul.hutchings at

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