dealing with dictionary attacks

Res res at
Sat Mar 10 23:00:21 CET 2007

On Sat, 10 Mar 2007, DAve wrote:

> I love qmail, I can do things with qmail I can't do with any other MTA, it

Definately, nothing will ever beat it when it comes to real handling of 
virtual domains, none of this alias or mapping BS required by others.

> makes a wunnerful toaster. But, and I gotta say it even though I don't think 
> the rumours are true, it should be nick'd "patchmail", just because everyone 
> thinks it takes 200k of source and 6gb of diffs to install it ;^)

PATCHMAIL! thats what w'll call it ;)

lol, it would be OK if all hte patches went through DJB, that way they'd 
be all happy rather than having to manually patch everything cause of the 
patch conflicts. I have a master source backed up everywhere, so I dont 
have to spend 2 days patching if I need to do another install of qmail.


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