Long bayesian expiry

Douglas Ward binaryflow at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 17:20:29 IST 2007

Last night our MailScanner gateway started the default bayseian expiry.
It's still running!  We now have over 3,000 messages in the queue waiting on
the expiry to finish (I assume).  I see this in the results from "ps ax."

16810 ?        R    906:31 MailScanner: rebuilding Bayes database

Looking in /etc/MailScanner/bayes I see literally hundreds of files named
bayes_toks.expireXXXXX where the "X" characters are numbers.  Can I safely
delete these?  Should I stop this rebuild process and run something else?
How can I resume the normal flow of mail?  Thanks!

Mandriva 2007 server
Spamassassin 3.18
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