Last night our MailScanner gateway started the default bayseian expiry. It's still running! We now have over 3,000 messages in the queue waiting on the expiry to finish (I assume). I see this in the results from "ps ax."
<br><br>16810 ? R 906:31 MailScanner: rebuilding Bayes database<br><br>Looking in /etc/MailScanner/bayes I see literally hundreds of files named bayes_toks.expireXXXXX where the "X" characters are numbers. Can I safely delete these? Should I stop this rebuild process and run something else? How can I resume the normal flow of mail? Thanks!
<br><br>Mandriva 2007 server<br>MailScanner-4.58.9-1<br>Spamassassin 3.18<br>