Watermarking quirks still in 4.62.8

Kai Schaetzl maillists at conactive.com
Mon Jul 30 16:00:11 IST 2007

Phil Randal wrote on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 14:05:21 +0100:

> In-Reply-To: AAAAALxmnSrmiFpFjRWg8ttEtPck1iMA

This could be used in identifying it as a response. (I guess that 
"structure" is because of your sanitation and you got a "good" MID there 

In general I find that quite a few DSNs don't list important or any parts 
of the mail or mail header, especially not headers that are uncommon. So, 
these will all be blocked. But it doesn't happen that often that mail to 
your frequent mail contact bounces, so you will rarely notice it. The 
read-receipt is a good example where you notice it quicker ;-)


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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