Greetpause seems very ineffective (Was: RE: Increased Volumes Of Spam)

Dan Hollis spamtrap71892316634 at
Sun Jan 21 13:27:42 CET 2007

On Sun, 21 Jan 2007, Res wrote:
> but each to our own, clearly you dont give a stuff when your
> customers get mail, which is your business entirely, so long as your 
> cusotmers are prepared to tolerate it, and accept that deliberate delaying of 
> their inbound mail is not the norm with every service providor and you advise 
> them of this prior to their application of your serices, you do warn them you 
> delay their mail dont you?

you can also default it to off, and let customers enable it at their discretion.

customer choice. what a concept, eh? but with you its obviously not a choice.


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