LookOUT 2007

James R. Stevens jstevens at athensdistributing.com
Fri Feb 16 17:18:08 CET 2007

When a new product comes out we always approach it with patience knowing there will be some 'growing pains' to get used to a new GUI or moved/new features etc..

My boss HAD an Audi A8 sedan. It had all the bells and whistles one could imagine. So many every other week it was in the shop because a different bell or whistle was broken or causing issues. Everyone always admired the look of the vehicle and complimented its style and look. He was quick to respond that looks are not everything and rarely worth the price of admission. When asked about the guts of the car he always told the same story.

When he wants to use the GPS maps he has to agree to a disclaimer turn a few 'mode' buttons activate the LCD turn of this etc.. and so forth. When he wants to listen to the radio he has to click or push 10 different buttons just to do it. When he want to use a Bluetooth device he has to jump through hoops every time.
Why do I have to go through 10 steps every time I want to listen to the radio, he asks.

Office 2007 in this way, has made each task more convoluted and tedious to accomplish. Please save yourselves and stay far away from it. THERE IS NO EASY BUTTON!!

-----Original Message-----
From: mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf Of Scott Silva
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 11:01 AM
To: mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info
Subject: Re: LookOUT 2007

Res spake the following on 2/11/2007 1:04 PM:
> On Sun, 11 Feb 2007, Mike Kercher wrote:
>> Right click the message itself and select Message Options.  I find
>> Outlook 2007 to be MUCH slower than 2003.  I'm am not impressed by Vista
>> or Office 2007 so far.
> The add slogan goes  "the wow starts now"
> they're right,  "wow, we really gota use another OS, and now"
> ..and one don't have to pay several hundreds of dollars for :P
> Just about every list im on many people have bagged it.
> I still enjoy an M$ free zone :P
It might even get the PHB's here interested in a Linux / Openoffice
deployment. We'll see......


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