Diskspace on redhat ent 3

Rob Poe rpoe at plattesheriff.org
Tue Feb 13 23:00:56 CET 2007

That's what I do .. right or wrong ..

Got tired of older installs that ran out of space on (wherever)..

One vendor I work with requires their directory be on a different partition.  They insisted that if someone did a rm * -Rf from the / that it wouldn't delete the stuff in their directory .. 

Never tried it honestly probably should ..

>>> "Peter Nitschke" <email at ace.net.au> 2/13/2007 1:38 PM >>>
Is it still valid to even have a lot of seperate partitions these days?

If the hard drive dies you are usually pretty well stuffed no matter how
many partitions you have.

Mostly our mail servers are single purpose machines, so I just have a 1Gb
swap partition and give the rest to /.  No problems with partitions running
out of space.

Or is this still Unix/Linux heresy?


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On 13/02/2007 at 9:35 AM Scott Silva wrote:

>Howard Robinson spake the following on 2/13/2007 8:57 AM:
>> Dear List
>> I had what amounts to a DOS attack on Friday when one of our users
>> decided to email 900+ external accounts with a 4.2mb attachment. Given
>> that our normal total daily through put is <1gb it was an unusual load
>> for our box. After a while the server ran out of space on /var, where
>> all the spool queues are, and whilst it didn't actually stop it went
>> VERY slowly. After releasing some disk space  it ran with a load of 7
>> for quite some time.
>> What would be the best option that will allow me to put the queues
>> somewhere else so that there is a bit more of a cushion? I could use
>> part of the /usr directory as it has quite a bit of free space or create
>> a new partition.
>> If I do this is it better to recompile Sendmail to look at the new
>> directory or use a link pointing to the new location?
>> Same with MailScanner -  editing MailScanner.conf or using  link to the
>> new location?
>> Thanks
>You could symlink in some space from another partition, maybe the
>directory or /var/tmp. Or you could move some of the queue into a
>partition and move it back a little at a time. I try to leave 5 or 10 gigs
>free somewhere to have space I can toss in for emergencies. You could also
>some space on a usb2 hard drive in an emergency, although it could be
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