Spamhaus replacement

Hugo van der Kooij hvdkooij at
Tue Dec 4 23:11:50 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Scott Silva wrote:
> on 12/4/2007 6:36 AM Randal, Phil spake the following:
>> ram wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 09:25 +0700, Budi Febrianto wrote:
>>>> Right now we only use and happy so far, 
>>> but because
>>>> spamhaus is not free anymore, now I want some 
>>> recommendation for others
>>>> dnsbl.
>>> But spamhaus offers free data sync AFAIK if you are using it for your
>>> own domain and not selling antispam solution
>>> You just need to sign up with them 
>> "Use of the Spamhaus DNSBLs via DNS queries to our public DNSBL servers
>> is free of charge if you meet all three of the following criteria:
>>    1. Your use of the Spamhaus DNSBLs is non-commercial*, and
>>    2. Your email traffic is less than 80,000 SMTP connections per day,
>> and
>>    3. Your DNSBL query volume is less than 320,000 queries per day.
>> If you do not fit all three of these criteria then please do not use our
>> public DNSBL servers, instead see 'Professional Use' (below) which
>> delivers our DNSBL data to your servers. If you are in any doubt as to
>> whether you fit within our free use criteria, or think you may be likely
>> to soon exceed our free use criteria, please switch to 'Professional
>> Use'."
>> "Professional Use
>> Use of the Spamhaus DNSBLs by ISPs, organizations and networks with
>> email traffic higher than 100,000 SMTP connections per day or making
>> over 400,000 DNSBL queries per day, or by commercial spam filter
>> services, requires a subscription to the Spamhaus DNSBL Data Feed
>> Service, a service designed for users with professional DNSBL query
>> requirements."
> Don't believe this one, as my server gets less than 10,000 messages a
> day -- usually a lot less --  and I am currently blacklisted.
> I even thought about setting caching nameservers on some unused ip
> addresses and turning it back on, but stopped myself. For now! ;-P

I think a lot of people forget requirement 1!

I would say that any bunch of requests from an IP adres where the WHOIS
info points to 'business' could be considered a disqualifier.

You may not like their policy but anyone not using spamhaus at home but
in the office without a feed is in fact a disqualified user.

But I have to admit I have still not yet conviced that Barracuda
networks they should NOT setup spamhaus as default RBL on their equipment.

I would guess that their abundant usage of a free personal service for
business purposes may be one of the important reasons why spamhaus
started to be though on users.


- --
hvdkooij at     

	A: Yes.
	>Q: Are you sure?
	>>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
	>>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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