Performance between SpamAssassin 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 and 3.2.3

Alex Broens ms-list at
Tue Aug 14 21:30:54 IST 2007

On 8/14/2007 10:18 PM, Leland J. Steinke wrote:
> Randal, Phil wrote:
>> I'm getting very slow DNS lookups from 
>> That might be a factor.
>> Does using
>> score __RCVD_IN_WHOIS 0
>> solve the performance problem?
> Much to my recent regret, I have avoided subscribing to any spamassassin 
> support lists, opting instead to let all of you more adventurous types 
> work out the bugs while I just implement what is recommended on the MS 
> list.  Would information such as the above be on the SA users list?  Is 
> there a FAQ with known "gotchas" with running SA (3.2.2 in our case), 
> where this is listed?  How in Perdition do you track that 
> "" is slow?

watch your recursor's query logs? get the feeling after trial and error.

The SA users list is an amazing source of interesting noise when you 
need SA knowledge. If you use SA as part of your job, its a must.


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