PATCH - clamavmodule false positives - A PLEA!

Martin martin.lyberg at
Mon Aug 13 14:24:50 IST 2007

Gareth wrote:
> You only get the false positives problem if you are using clamavmodule
> and have "ClamAV Full Message Scan = yes".
> Yo can turn off full message scanning but then some of the clamav
> signatures are unable to detect some of the phishing attacks. This is
> most noticeable if you are using the sanesecurity additional rules.
> It is just a couple of lines which need adding to and I
> can send you an updated file if you wish.

Hi Gareth,

I read about this in the mailscanner list, i've the same problem with 
falsepositives. Can you send me the updated file please? Is it just to 
replace the file, or do i have to do anything else?

Thank you

/ Martin

> On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 08:05, Quentin Campbell wrote:
>> Julian
>> If you do release a new version of 4.62.9 to fix this I would be
>> grateful if you could also make available a copy of the updated
>> file.
>> I have just finished upgrading 12 mail gateways to 4.62.9-2 and SA 3.2.2
>> and cannot afford to go through the whole process of installing MS again
>> so soon. If it is just a single *.pm that needs replacing then that is
>> easy enough.
>> How serious is this 'false positive' problem? Is it correct that I can
>> avoid the bug by setting "ClamAV Full Message Scan = no" and do I lose
>> much by doing that?
>> Thanks
>> Quentin
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-
>>> bounces at] On Behalf Of Julian Field
>>> Sent: 06 August 2007 15:16
>>> To: MailScanner discussion
>>> Subject: Re: PATCH - clamavmodule false positives
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> You only actually want to apply the first of the 2 patches, as you only
>>> want to affect the code that scans the *.message and *.header files.
>>> It will be in the next release.
>>> Please can some other people test this and confirm it works reliably?
>>> Gareth wrote:
>>>> Attached is a patch for which fixes the false
>>> positives
>>>> issue with Phishing.Heuristics.Email.SpoofedDomain when using
>>>> Clamavmodule and the full message scan option.
>>>> It passes the CL_SCAN_PHISHING_DOMAINLIST option which according to
>>> the
>>>> clamavmodule source :-
>>>> Phishing module: restrict URL scanning to domains from .pdf
>>>> I believe that as this option was not previously set it is equivalent
>>> to
>>>> the following clamscan option :-
>>>>        --no-phishing-restrictedscan
>>>>        Enable url-based heuristic phishing detection for all domains
>>>> (might lead to false positives!).
>>>> Personally I think CL_SCAN_PHISHING_DOMAINLIST should do the same as
>>>> --no-phishing-restrictedscan and not be the inverse of it. Maybe a
>>> bug.
>>>> I will contact the author about it anyway.
>>>> I dont really know what this option does exactly but it is a
>>> recommended
>>>> setting, its name seems to indicate it is related to the false
>>> positives
>>>> I was getting, and setting it does seem to have cured the problem.
>>> Jules
>>> - --
>>> Julian Field MEng CITP
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