Disable virus checks for high spam

Kapetanakis Giannis bilias at edu.physics.uoc.gr
Fri Apr 27 10:21:15 IST 2007

On Fri, 27 Apr 2007, Glenn Steen wrote:

> Eh, not scanning things destined for the quarantine is the default.
> You need have set "Keep Spam And MCP Archive Clean = yes", or 
> deliver
> the message somewhere (perhaps a "forward spam-archive at some.whe.re" 
> in
> "High Scoring Spam Actions") for it to actually scan things...
> I truly see no problem here, apart from your local configuration... 
> perhaps:-).
> Then again, I might be wrong:-).
> Cheers

My config is:

High Scoring Spam Actions = store
Keep Spam And MCP Archive Clean = no

However I don't seem to understand that last option.
I have it to 'no' cause "there is small hit in performance", as
it listed in the conf. By setting it to yes you don't
put viruses in the quarantine?

Users cannot release mails from quarantine.
I do it through the MailWatch for them.

So you're telling me that by default
it does NOT scan messages for viruses
if I haven't got any deliver/forward rule in actions?


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