No sendmail processes start when MS starts

Alden Levy alden at
Tue Apr 24 23:38:23 IST 2007

I've been using MS for a few years now with very few problems. However, my old server is on its last legs, so I've decided to migrate to a shiny new box. I've moved my /etc/MailScanner conf, prefs, rules, etc. files from the old box to the new. I've not yet moved bayes, but I assume that shouldn't be a problem (right?)

The new OS is CentOS 4.4, and I've upgraded MS to the latest version. I'm unsure if MS worked properly before the upgrade. I am also using sendmail 8.13 (the old server was 8.10), and I changed the Lock Type. I've upgraded sa to 3.18 and clamav to 0.92, but I'm using clamav, not clamavmodule, so that should work. 

After I installed, I went through the routine of chkconfig sendmail off.....

When I start up MS, I get notification "starting MailScanner  [OK]" (or similar--I'm not in front of a console now), but no sendmail processes are started. My maillog files seem to be okay, all the children start, sa is okay as is clam; but of course, there are no sendmail processes. 

When I lint sa, everything's okay. I can't seem to debug MS; it hangs, because there's no mail--or is my assumption incorrect?  I'm not sure where to look, though. Any suggestions would be appreciated. 


Alden Levy
Engine No. 9, Inc. 
130 West 57th Street, Suite 2F
New York, NY 10019
(212) 981-1122
(212) 504-9598 (fax)


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