bayes not sure of use

Peter Russell pete at
Thu Sep 14 02:26:04 IST 2006

Logan Shaw wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, Philippe Delodder wrote:
>> I have actived bayes in the spam.assassin.prefs.conf, but I don't see it
>> in the MailScanner-SpamCheck.
>> Is this normal I use Mailscanner 4.55.10 with postfix 2.2.10 and
>> spamassassin 3.0.6
> The bayes database must have some training data to populate its
> database of keywords and their probabilities.  It needs to see
> some examples of spam messages and some examples of non-spam,
> at least 200 of each.  Until it has enough training data,
> it will not put a score on any message.
> In the default configuration, training of the bayes database
> happens automatically: messages with very low or high scores
> (based on all the other rules) are fed to it.  So, you can
> just wait for a while and eventually it should see enough ham
> and enough spam messages to build up training data and should
> start working on its own.
> If you want to get it working sooner (or if you want to correct
> mistakes it has made), you can train it with the "sa-learn"
> command.
> "sa-learn --dump magic" will tell you how many spam and
> ham messages you've seen so far.  Look for the "nham" and
> "nspam" rows in the output.
>   - Logan
Use the starter DB from FSL, it will get you going in thee right direction.

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