bayes not sure of use

Logan Shaw lshaw at
Wed Sep 13 20:12:15 IST 2006

On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, Philippe Delodder wrote:
> I have actived bayes in the spam.assassin.prefs.conf, but I don't see it
> in the MailScanner-SpamCheck.
> Is this normal I use Mailscanner 4.55.10 with postfix 2.2.10 and
> spamassassin 3.0.6

The bayes database must have some training data to populate its
database of keywords and their probabilities.  It needs to see
some examples of spam messages and some examples of non-spam,
at least 200 of each.  Until it has enough training data,
it will not put a score on any message.

In the default configuration, training of the bayes database
happens automatically: messages with very low or high scores
(based on all the other rules) are fed to it.  So, you can
just wait for a while and eventually it should see enough ham
and enough spam messages to build up training data and should
start working on its own.

If you want to get it working sooner (or if you want to correct
mistakes it has made), you can train it with the "sa-learn"

"sa-learn --dump magic" will tell you how many spam and
ham messages you've seen so far.  Look for the "nham" and
"nspam" rows in the output.

   - Logan

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