OT: What will they think of next

René Berber r.berber at computer.org
Wed Oct 25 10:09:37 IST 2006

Alex Neuman wrote:

> I just finished setting up FuzzyOCR. Guess what greets me a few minutes
> later:
> http://nkpanama.com/results.gif
> Now spammers are adding noise so OCR won't work.

Playing with gocr's (v.0.41) options a little, it does recognize some of it,
enough I think to can the spam...

$ gocr -d 4 examples/results.gif
giftopnm: Reading Image Sequence 0
__-            ___   __
t Lovvest VIAGRA, _IALIS, LEV)TRA Onllne Prlce I
_VIAG_  3081349_  __CIALIS  _30 81699S
_ VALIl)i_  30 _85 4S  __ ScMA   30 $75 95
_Ik7''I,,3D$6495  _AM_IEN  30$l_O99
_ xANAx 3o $l_34s  t uI_RAson so $_so99
_ Mew__ALI_son 3o $__9s
_ Sa_e up to 8D'_o on your pfescrIptIon Mgd€I
Do mt clIck _pe In y0ur bro vser Ww x rxnn orq

The original result looks like this:

$ gocr examples/results.gif
giftopnm: Reading Image Sequence 0
__'___''''' ' ;' ''i-'"''; ''  '''';';'_'  '';;' '^ _'''' ' _i''_
's-''''''_''.'_;';'_'' ;';', ''_'
.  . ._  __  __, fREMIEqf._{A,RMAcY,  , ''   _  ,  _
' , , ' LO'__eSt, VIA, GR4,t ?, IALISr L. EUI__,_OnI_|ne,_ Pr|Ce! :
, _' ' _.IAG_,. 30 _l34,9,_ _ __ '_' _IALIS_ ,_,_.'_,. 30 8,,169',9S
, _''__vAjl)i_,,_,_3o,__5,4s_  i_;ScM_ ' ^3,,o $_5,q5
.,._,. , i!R__7_iċ_,,_I!__;, 3D $6_,.9_  _ _A,M, BIEN  ' 30,__î_O__99,,
, _ _ANAx 3o $ l_3:4s ,_ ',t uIMRA son^ ; so ' $_,so ,49
; ' ,. _i.  '_ Mew? LI__son;3o,,$_  ,9  _ ' ' _;
, ,  _ _ Sa_e, u to 8D^_o,'on yo,ur pfescr_pt_o.n_Mgd€!
_  , ,  __ _ _ _;    ', __',_: ^,,, - _, '  _ , _ ,,:
_     ,,,' Do _t click, _pe in y0ur brj,_,vser Ww_x, rx_n_or_

And I'm not even using ImageMagick wich is supposed to be better at converting
and cleaning the gif.
René Berber

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