Amazing number of bounces

Scott Silva ssilva at
Tue Oct 24 23:14:54 IST 2006

Steve Campbell spake the following on 10/24/2006 1:27 PM:
> I don't know if anyone else is getting attacked like my domains are, but
> these "Rave reviews ..." emails are being returned at a very alarming
> rate. I am seeing the bounces from all of these mailservers who don't
> check anything apparently, and even though none so far are from my IPs,
> they send them back to the return address. What a golden opportunity to
> promote the no-bounce idea that Julian has forever preached.
> And BTW, has anyone else figured out how to handle these other than
> killing the blank return address emails?
> Steve Campbell
> campbell at
> Charleston Newspapers
I think milter-null is supposed to help, but I haven't tried it yet.


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