Postfix conversion

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Wed Oct 11 19:25:33 IST 2006

On 11/10/06, G. Armour Van Horn <vanhorn at> wrote:
> Help! For some reason my message last night hasn't gone out to the list,
> or at least it didn't get here, so this is a repeat - just a little more
> desparate.
> I decided to switch to Postfix and I believe I have it running, and I
> made the mods to the MailScanner.conf and the two postfix .cf files as
> per the docs on the wiki. But it doesn't look like things are working
> yet, and mail from outside is still not getting delivered.
> When I run "service MailScanner start" it still tries to launch two
> copies of Sendmail instead of the one copy of Postfix. I'm not sure, but
> I think this is my main problem. Is there a replacement startup script
> for MailScanner when used with Postfix?
> Van

Did you remember to change the MTA setting in MailScanner.conf

What version of MailScanner are we talking about? What platform/OS/whatnot...?

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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