ClamAV+SA easy-install package

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at
Tue Jul 18 15:07:38 IST 2006

Julian Field a écrit :
> On 18 Jul 2006, at 13:48, Glenn Steen wrote:
>> On 18 Jul 2006 13:32:14 +0100, Jeremy Henty <jeremy.henty at> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, July 18, 2006 12:52 pm, Glenn Steen 
>>> <glenn.steen at> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >As in "the city of Bergen in Norway"? Also known as the most rainy
>>> >place in the whole of Scandinavia?
>>> Tourist:  Kid, does it *always* rain in Bergen?
>>> Child:    I don't know, I'm only six!
>>> (Told to me by a friend who'd been there.)
>>> Regards,
>>> Jeremy Henty
>> Unfortunately (for the citizens of Bergen) it's not really a joke....:-)
> Yes, it really was Bergen in Norway. T-shirt and shorts weather and 
> blazing hot sun. We couldn't quite believe it either!
> My photos are now online at
> Let me know what you think of them. Phil and Kerry (about the only 
> people in them) are the two friends I went with.
> --Julian Field

Quite impressive!  At first I thought it was just some ice at the bottom 
of a hill but then I saw little people on it!  Never been near a glacier!

I spotted a geocaching hat... were you geocaching along your trip?  I 
know people that plan their vacations around geocaching.  Great way to 
visit remote places that are quite often very beautiful/interesting.


  °v°   Denis Beauchemin, analyste
 /(_)\  Université de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
  ^ ^   T: 819.821.8000x2252 F: 819.821.8045

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