individual spamassassin score thresholds

Michael Masse mrm at
Tue Jan 24 19:37:12 GMT 2006

I tried looking in the archive for an answer but the link is to the old
server which just says the archive is not available.    Is there a new

We have been running mailscanner for years now totally separate from
spamassassin (using spamc/spamd) so that users could have their own
adjustable black/whitelists as well as individually adjust their spam
threshold score.    In the past we've been able to just throw more
hardware at the server in order to cope with the increased utilization
that this setup uses.  Recently our email volume has gotten to the point
that new hardware isn't going to cut it, so I'm seriously looking at
running MS in the suggested method and have it make it's own
spamassassin calls.    I see in the documentation that if I were to
switch the config to do this I can still allow users to have their own
individual white/blacklists, but can't find anything about individually
adjustable spam score thresholds.    Is this possible?


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