weird priblems with server

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Mon Jan 23 07:05:53 GMT 2006

On 23/01/06, Nilesh Shastrakar <nilesh.shastrakar at> wrote:
> Hello,
> Today I am facing some weird problem with my mail server.
> some mails I have received which is not maked to me in To,CC,or in  BCC,
> I personally phone called to users who sent mail to me and asked about that
> mail but he said
> he has not send me that mail, the mail contains some confedential
> containts, also same problem happend with other users.
> could any one please help me how to fix this problem or tell me what would
> be the reason.
> also I have checked its not a spam mail. it is send to other users but I got
> it.
> I am using
> Fedora Core 4 with Kernel 2.6.14
> Senamil 8.13.4-2
> MailScanner 4-45.4-1
> Spamassassin-3.0.4-2
> Clamav 0.87
> regards
> Nilesh
Well, have you checked your mail log that the _envelope_ recipient
doesn't differ from the things in the headers?
It is very common for these to differ, and it is just the envelope
ones that matter... These are the ones used during the (E)SMTP
conversation (the "RCPT TO: <add at>" thingies).
It is quite "normal" for spam, viruses and even normal mails to be
forged in this way.

Or had you already looked at this...?

If you run MailWatch, that will log the mails with the envelope

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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