weird priblems with server

Jim Holland mailscanner at
Mon Jan 23 06:36:21 GMT 2006


On Mon, 23 Jan 2006, Nilesh Shastrakar wrote:

> Today I am facing some weird problem with my mail server. some mails I
> have received which is not maked to me in To,CC,or in BCC, I personally
> phone called to users who sent mail to me and asked about that mail but
> he said he has not send me that mail, the mail contains some
> confedential containts, also same problem happend with other users.
> could any one please help me how to fix this problem or tell me what
> would be the reason. also I have checked its not a spam mail. it is send
> to other users but I got it.

As usual, the first thing to do when facing a problem is to analyse the 
logs.  Grep your mail log for all lines with the pid that corresponds to 
the message (check the headers of a copy of the message to find the pid).


Jim Holland
System Administrator
MANGO - Zimbabwe's non-profit e-mail service

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