OT Advice for server reinstalation

shrek-m at gmx.de shrek-m at gmx.de
Fri Feb 24 17:30:14 GMT 2006

On 24.02.2006 17:49, Pavel Zichovsky wrote:

>>You are going to need a lot of swap space to run that lot 
>>with 256MB of ram!
>I do not want to argue, but that lot is runing also now, and vmstat says, that swapped is less then 8MB (7556kB), and even during
>longer period of vmstat runing are si and so columns still zero.
>But maybe I am interpreting some numbers wrong :-(
>I forgot mention that server is for only small group (15PCs) and with very low mail volume (about 200 to 300 mails per day), so load
>is realy low.

similiar to my fedora servers:  800 mhz, 128 mb ram 2 x 80 gb ide raid0
it is ok for 25 clients   internet + mail + mysql
i get no money for the linuxbox because all is ok - but thousands of 
euros are spent for m$-windows clients+servers

i am not sure about your mylex raid controller
search in the redhat/fedora archives, fedoralegacy or  google.



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