
Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at
Wed Feb 22 13:07:54 GMT 2006

You may also be able to do this with MailScanner + a procmail script 
(someone please correct/enlighten me about something like this).

Now that I think of it, could someone post a procmail recipe (or help 
with googling one from somewhere) that would automagically put 
everything that MailScanner marks as SPAM into a Junk folder?

shuttlebox wrote:
> On 2/22/06, *ecj at <mailto:ecj at>* 
> <ecj at <mailto:ecj at>> wrote:
>     Hello all. It's my first post.
>     I haven't read all the docs on MailScanner yet because I want to
>     make sure
>     that what I am planning to do is possible. I've just been on this
>     job for
>     almost a month and I was assigned this project. What my boss wants
>     is to
>     redirect all spam mails intended for a select list of users' 'junk
>     folder.' Much the same way as Yahoo and Hotmail.
>     Can this be done thru MailScanner?
>     Sorry again. I just need a quick answer before I delve into the
>     mailing
>     list archives and documentations.
> If you mean a local junk folder in your mail client you need to set it 
> up with a filter, all mail clients can do that (Outlook/Thunderbird 
> and so on). MailScanner can add X-headers and/or changes in the 
> subject line ({Spam?} at the start) for it to trigger on. You can also 
> sort on spam score.
> -- 
> /peter 


Alex Neuman van der Hans
N&K Technology Consultants
Tel. +507 214-9002 -

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