global switch to set which domains ar scanned

Joshua Hirsh joshua.hirsh at
Wed Feb 8 22:16:36 GMT 2006

> I've got the following problem (it's similar to the problem 
> I've posted before, but now I think I know what it is):
> In the old version of our mailscanner there was the ability 
> to switch all scanning of and on via ruleset:

Hi Ingo,

 Take a look at the "Scan Messages" configuration option. If you configure it with a ruleset, it will do what you're looking to accomplish.

 I wouldn't refer to 4.41.3 as "new" though, as it was released in May of 2005. You should consider upgrading to the latest stable (4.50.15), as it has numerous speed enhancements and other new features/fixes.

 Cheers ;-)


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