Mailscanner not scanning queue

Gerard Seibert gerard at
Wed Dec 13 23:00:04 GMT 2006

On Wednesday December 13, 2006 at 12:39:26 (PM) Nate wrote:

> I just installed MailScanner + Postfix on 6 servers running Debian
> Sarge.  I installed from stable packages, so mailscanner is version
> 4.41.3-2 and postfix is 2.1.5-9.  I tried installing the latest
> mailscanner from the unstable branch, but it has too many dependencies,
> and if I fulfilled them, I'd be running unstable on the whole box
> instead of stable.  I followed the directions I found at
> OK, that said, here's my problem.  After starting mailscanner everything
> appears to work fine... for a little while.  On every server Mailscanner
> eventually just doesn't see messages that arrive in the queue any more.
>  I do a postqueue -p and can see the messages waiting in the hold queue,
> but mailscanner isn't doing anything with them.
> I tried enabling Debug in the conf and running check_mailscanner.  That
> runs fine, but since it quits right away I don't think it hits the
> problem where it's not seeing new messages.
> Does anyone have any ideas of things to try from here?  Any knows bugs
> that I'm maybe hitting?  If so, how do I install the latest version on
> Debian Sarge?

I don't know of this is relevant or not, but your copy of Postfix is
ancient. In fact, anything prior to version 2.3 is antiquated. The
latest no beta version is version 2.3.5 at present. I really believe you
might want to update your version, especially if you intend to use
SSL/TLS on your system.


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