How do others do it?

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at
Wed Dec 6 16:43:40 GMT 2006

Drew Marshall a écrit :
> On 5 Dec 2006, at 23:04, Alex Neuman van der Hans wrote:
>> He may be in fact being more of a hindrance than a help, since his 
>> University is now *more* likely to be blacklisted as a spammer.
>> Gerard Seibert wrote:
>>> On Tuesday December 05, 2006 at 05:14:11 (PM) Rick Chadderdon wrote:
>>>> Denis Beauchemin wrote:
>>>>> The bounce message explains that we block spam because we want to
>>>>> preserve the good reputation of our University.
>>>> Unfortunately, since nearly all spam comes from forged addresses, your
>>>> bounce message is explaining it to the wrong people.  Assuming you 
>>>> mean
>>>> "bounce" the same way I do.  I get a ton of "bounce message" spam
>>>> because of forged messages, even though I use SPF.  Annoying.  I hope
>>>> I'm just misunderstanding you, because if not, you're a spammer, 
>>>> even if
>>>> you aren't aware of it.
>>> Worse, continuing this 'backscatter' might very well get his University
>>> black-listed. SPAM and virus infected mail should be silently 
>>> discarded.
> I think you have misunderstood what Denis meant. It sounds to me like 
> he bounces what looks like Spam back to his students. I would guess 
> (Hope?) he is using smtpauth or some other check that prevents the 
> students from relaying with a faked from address, so he knows who they 
> are. By bouncing the mail back to them, it stops their mail being 
> silently dropped or otherwise undelivered (Or worse still putting the 
> University on a RBL). I don't believe that Denis is suggesting he 
> bounces Spam to any one other than the local users. You don't do you 
> Denis?? :-)

Whoa!!!  I leave the list alone for a couple of hours and people are 
ready to flame me!!!  You guys are quick on the trigger ;)

I really said that only my internal smtp servers (not my MX servers) do 
bounce spam messages back to the sender.  It really does not happen 
really often anyways because most computers on the campus are protected 
by AV (we have a site-wide licence for McAfee that covers home use).

What I wanted to address by this measure was to not send an email to 
some external site that my MS would have tagged as spam on its way out.  
That would have looked pretty bad: we send you this email even though 
our content analyzer thinks it is junk...


  °v°   Denis Beauchemin, analyste
 /(_)\  Université de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
  ^ ^   T: 819.821.8000x62252 F: 819.821.8045

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