just gets bigger - no delivery?

Brett Charbeneau brett at
Wed Aug 30 15:51:05 IST 2006

	Great to hear from you Peter - I'm grateful for the help!

On Wed, 30 Aug 2006, Peter Peters wrote:

PP> >     Yes. It forks off and chews up CPU time quite happily.
PP> Do you see the forks?

	Well, I always thought the children of a process were the results of 
forking - did I miss something? If so, I'd love to know how to ps them, or 

PP> I get:
PP> mail      5533     1  0 Aug29 00:00:00 MailScanner: starting child
PP> mail     17016  5533  0 16:00 00:00:07 MailScanner: waiting for messages
PP> mail     17039  5533  0 16:01 00:00:05 MailScanner: waiting for messages
PP> (Not such a busy server)

	I may not have let it run very long. Here is more typical output:

franklin:/var/backups# ps ax | grep MailScanner
 1851 ?        SNs    0:00 MailScanner: master waiting for children, sleeping
 1852 ?        SN     0:29 MailScanner: checking with SpamAssassin
 1876 ?        SN     0:27 MailScanner: virus scanning
 1892 ?        SN     0:27 MailScanner: waiting for messages
 1909 ?        RN     0:27 MailScanner: starting children
 1928 ?        RN     0:24 MailScanner: starting children
 1982 ?        DN     0:10 MailScanner: checking with SpamAssassin
 2033 ?        RNs    0:00 MailScanner: virus scanning

PP> You should find lines like this too:
PP> Aug 30 06:16:25 netlx094 MailScanner[3204]: New Batch: Found 21 messages
PP> waiting
PP> Aug 30 06:16:25 netlx094 MailScanner[3204]: New Batch: Scanning 1
PP> messages, 21408 bytes
PP> This proves MailScanner has found the correct queue (21 messages in some
PP> state) and starts to process 1 message that is already completely
PP> delivered and not being processed by any other MS process.

	Right - I do get these:

Aug 30 10:48:47 franklin MailScanner[1876]: New Batch: Found 50 messages waiting 
Aug 30 10:48:47 franklin MailScanner[1876]: New Batch: Scanning 1 messages, 1454 
Aug 30 10:49:01 franklin MailScanner[1892]: New Batch: Found 51 messages waiting 
Aug 30 10:49:01 franklin MailScanner[1892]: New Batch: Scanning 1 messages, 7267 
Aug 30 10:49:51 franklin MailScanner[1892]: New Batch: Found 50 messages waiting 
Aug 30 10:49:51 franklin MailScanner[1892]: New Batch: Scanning 1 messages, 
88227 bytes 
Aug 30 10:50:12 franklin MailScanner[1928]: New Batch: Found 51 messages waiting 
Aug 30 10:50:12 franklin MailScanner[1928]: New Batch: Scanning 1 messages, 6066 
Aug 30 10:50:25 franklin MailScanner[1909]: New Batch: Found 52 messages waiting 

	but as you can see it keeps finding more and more...

Brett Charbeneau
Network Administrator
Williamsburg Regional Library
7770 Croaker Road
Williamsburg, VA 23188-7064
(757)259-4079 (fax)    brett at

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