just gets bigger - no delivery?

Peter Peters P.G.M.Peters at
Wed Aug 30 15:22:25 IST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Brett Charbeneau wrote on 30-8-2006 16:04:

>> First question:  when you start MailScanner, does it successfully
>> start and stay running?
>     Yes. It forks off and chews up CPU time quite happily.

Do you see the forks?

>> Next question:  does it spawn children?  Look at the output of
>> "ps -ef | grep MailScanner" to see if it does.
>     Yepper:
> franklin:/var/backups# ps -ef | grep MailScanner
> root     29629     1  0 10:01 ?        00:00:00 MailScanner: starting
> children
> root     29630 29629 26 10:01 ?        00:00:08 MailScanner: starting
> children
> root     29656 29629 28 10:01 ?        00:00:06 MailScanner: starting
> children
> root     29681 29629 22 10:01 ?        00:00:02 MailScanner: starting
> children

I get:
mail      5533     1  0 Aug29 00:00:00 MailScanner: starting child
mail     17016  5533  0 16:00 00:00:07 MailScanner: waiting for messages
mail     17039  5533  0 16:01 00:00:05 MailScanner: waiting for messages
mail     17069  5533  0 16:01 00:00:07 MailScanner: waiting for messages
mail     17094  5533  0 16:01 00:00:05 MailScanner: waiting for messages
mail     17107  5533  0 16:01 00:00:06 MailScanner: waiting for messages
mail     17133  5533  0 16:01 00:00:06 MailScanner: waiting for messages
mail     17150  5533  0 16:01 00:00:06 MailScanner: waiting for messages
mail     17176  5533  0 16:02 00:00:05 MailScanner: waiting for messages
mail     17184  5533  0 16:02 00:00:06 MailScanner: waiting for messages
mail     17211  5533  0 16:02 00:00:06 MailScanner: waiting for messages

(Not such a busy server)

>> Next question:  does it appear to be processing messages?  What is
>> it logging to syslog?  (Do a "grep MailScanner /var/log/maillog" or
>> similar.)
>     It seems to.
>     If I set "Scan Messages = no" in MailScanner.conf, mail flows
> without inspection just fine.
>     Here's some syslog with Scan Messages = yes
> Aug 30 10:01:44 franklin MailScanner[29656]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus
> Scanner version 4.51.5 starting...
> Aug 30 10:01:45 franklin MailScanner[29656]: Read 710 hostnames from the
> phishing whitelist
> Aug 30 10:01:45 franklin MailScanner[29656]: Config: calling custom init
> function MailWatchLogging
> Aug 30 10:01:45 franklin MailScanner[29656]: Started SQL Logging child
> Aug 30 10:01:46 franklin MailScanner[29656]: Using SpamAssassin results
> cache
> Aug 30 10:01:46 franklin MailScanner[29656]: Connected to SpamAssassin
> cache database
> Aug 30 10:01:46 franklin MailScanner[29656]: Enabling SpamAssassin
> auto-whitelist functionality...

You should find lines like this too:
Aug 30 06:16:25 netlx094 MailScanner[3204]: New Batch: Found 21 messages
Aug 30 06:16:25 netlx094 MailScanner[3204]: New Batch: Scanning 1
messages, 21408 bytes

This proves MailScanner has found the correct queue (21 messages in some
state) and starts to process 1 message that is already completely
delivered and not being processed by any other MS process.

- --
Peter Peters, senior beheerder (Security)
Dienst Informatietechnologie, Bibliotheek en Educatie (ITBE)
Universiteit Twente,  Postbus 217,  7500 AE  Enschede
telefoon: 053 - 489 2301, fax: 053 - 489 2383,
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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