Best RBL to use?

Jim Holland mailscanner at
Thu Aug 17 18:25:12 IST 2006

On Thu, 17 Aug 2006, Damian Mendoza wrote:

> I would like to stop more of the junk messages at the RBL level (via
> I use SpamCop and Spamhaus SBL+XBL currently but they have
> had false positives from time to time. Do the paid subscriptions like
> Trend Micro RBL+ work better? I know they are very expensive for 1,000
> mailboxes.
> Any others I should be using?

We use (see and are very pleased
with it.  It is also a commercial package (although free for approved not
for profits and individuals).  However we found it a little aggressive at
the MTA level, and therefore now use it only with MailScanner.


Jim Holland
System Administrator
MANGO - Zimbabwe's non-profit e-mail service

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