Mail Queue monitor?

Rob Morin rob at
Wed Aug 16 17:02:54 IST 2006

Thats a cool script, however i wanted to NOT use Nagios and such,  as i 
need to run this on a remote machine, as Nagios uses my mailserver to 
send email, if mail is backed up i will not get the alert.... so i 
figure i have a secondary email server that i would run an ssh command 
and check the queue on the primary, if it does not respond or is high i 
would then email  to a pager on that remote machine that the queue is 

am i confusing anyone yet?


Rob Morin
Dido InterNet Inc.
Montreal, Canada

Daniel Maher wrote:
> If you've already got SNMP deployed, you can query it using any number of open source network monitoring tools (such as Nagios or Big Brother).
> In order to obtain the result in the first place, though, you'll need a script to generate a number that SNMP can report.  Consider the attached script, in fact, which can check either the "hold" or "incoming" queues, as you like.
> --
>   _
>  °v°  Daniel Maher
> /(_)\ Administrateur Système Unix
>  ^ ^  Unix System Administrator
> Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-
>> bounces at] On Behalf Of Rob Morin
>> Sent: August 16, 2006 11:22 AM
>> To: MailScanner discussion
>> Subject: Mail Queue monitor?
>> Is ther a script i can use to monitor teh mail queue on my postfix
>> system, and i fits over a certain amount email me or page me....
>> So every 5  or 10 mins this script would run and if the email in the
>> queue is over 100 send an email to a pager...
>> I guess i would have to run this command from an external machine via
>> ssh as i figure if i run it locally and the queue is big i would never
>> get the email?
>> :)
>> Thanks...
>> --
>> Rob Morin
>> Dido InterNet Inc.
>> Montreal, Canada
>> Http://
>> 514-990-4444
>> --
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