blocking out-of-office

Koopmann, Jan-Peter Jan-Peter.Koopmann at
Thu Aug 3 19:56:07 IST 2006

On Thursday, August 03, 2006 9:55 AM Glenn Steen wrote:

> The sane solution is to not allow OoO, 

Which is easily done in Exchange itself. You can configure it to only send OOO within your Exchange installation but not send it out via SMTP.

> and encourage your user to use
> other measures (like "mailbox delegations" etc). Unfortunately PHBs
> are rarely sane...:-)  

And there are situations where you need OOO. We are still developing a small script fetching the OOO status from Exchange and feeding it to a small exim autoresponder. At least that one is configurable and will not send mails back to mailing lists, bulk mail etc. And if your spam detection is good enough OOO will not be a problem for you I suppose.


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