White listing sites that send Blocked Content?

Rick Gutlon rgutlon at YAHOO.COM
Fri May 13 16:24:49 IST 2005


If you look in your MailScanner.conf file you'll see
that (by default) Dangerous Content Scanning =  points
to the virus.scanning.rules file.

I had a similar issue and the solution was to create a
new rules file (which I called content.checking.rules)
and pointed Dangerous Content Scanning to this file
where it offers all the flexibility I need.

Hope this helps -

--- Tom Combs <combs at MAGNET.FSU.EDU> wrote:
> Hi,  Can sites that trigger the "Blocked Content"
> tag be whitelisted in
> the same way that one would whitelist a site that
> gets tagged as spam?
> I've tried to add the following rule to my
> rules/spam.whitelist.rules
> file but email from this site is still stopped for
> blocked content.

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