Exchange and duplicate message-id with quarantine.

Julian Field MailScanner at
Wed Jan 26 12:16:44 GMT 2005

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Stef Morrell wrote:

>Julian said:
>>>What happens if you set
>>>Remove These Headers = Message-Id
>>>Then the Message-Id will be removed from the cleaned messages,
>>>Exchange it add its own, unique, id.
>Joshua replied
>>That would probably work, but then I can't follow the message ID's when
>someone reports >a problem :-)
>That's a good solution for me though, as I can track message movements
>through my server from the ESMTP id in the received header, which is
>what appears in my logfiles.
>On an utterly unrelated note, I didn't receive any of Julian's replies
>to this in my inbox and had to check the archive.  I wonder if MS has
>taken a dislike to it's Daddy. ;)
>Thanks for the assist guys!
If you are using the SpamAssassin ruleset, you
need to add this to your spam.assassin.prefs.conf file:

score VIRUS_WARNING15   0
score VIRUS_WARNING28   0
score VIRUS_WARNING33   0
score VIRUS_WARNING62   0
score VIRUS_WARNING66   0
score VIRUS_WARNING226  0
score VIRUS_WARNING250  0
score VIRUS_WARNING300  0
score VIRUS_WARNING326  0
score VIRUS_WARNING339  0
score VIRUS_WARNING340  0

so it doesn't delete mail from me (or from the mailing list).

Julian Field
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