LDAP and beyond ......possibly a new Mailscanner feature request
Venkata Achanta
vachanta at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jan 6 00:11:38 GMT 2005
We have successfully implemented "Making sendmail only accept mail to
genuine Exchange users" in our environment,Thanks Kevin.
However i feel that we are not completely gaining advantage just by doing
But the spammer is gaining knowledge of what the valid address list is just
by doing a dictionary attack on the SMTP server i.e We are answering to the
spammers questions and finally making him knowledgeble about the valid
users,so that he can more effectively spam.
Is there a way to stop giving out these messages back from sendmail/MTA
side and also can we blacklist the spammers IP (just like what vispan
Can this functionality be included in the Mailscanner if the MTA cant do it
i.e Instead of kicking back accept the message and track the ip/domain of
the spammer and blacklist it for a timeframe.
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 10): 550 5.0.0 <vi at xyz.com>...User
Any sugggestions/ideas ?
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