Clamav update problems, mirrors?

Jeff A. Earickson jaearick at COLBY.EDU
Tue Aug 23 19:29:51 IST 2005

On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, James Fagan wrote:
> Jeff,
> You may be stuck and retrieving using the same mirror somehow. In your
> case, it updates but only from:
> ==============================================================
> Software version from DNS: 0.86.2
> main.cvd version from DNS: 33
> main.cvd is up to date (version: 33, sigs: 36102, f-level: 5, builder:
> tkojm) daily.cvd version from DNS: 1036 Retrieving
> Downloading daily.cvd [*]
> daily.cvd updated (version: 1036, sigs: 3290, f-level: 5, builder:
> arnaud) Database updated (39392 signatures) from
> (IP: Freeing option list...done
> ==============================================================
> That is using the last mirror (last resort and not recommended according
> to ClamAV) instead of the However, there is a list of
> of the mirrors on . I commented out
> the other DatabaseMirror entries and added one from the list in the USA,
> it seemed to work fine and I was able to retrieve an update after I
> moved the dail.cvd.  Might be handy to have a little list of the other
> US mirrors incase you get stuck. Of cource I have no idea how often
> those mirrors change. Just an idea.

Ahah!  The ClamAV gurus told me to uncomment the line


in my freshclam.conf file, and things started working again.  This
line had always been commented out before, per the ClamAV default.

Jeff Earickson
Colby College

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