Allow password protected/encrypted zip files from a singler sender

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Sep 28 14:56:47 IST 2004

In which case ClamAV is detecting it as a virus, so the
"Allow Password-Protected Archives" setting won't have any effect, as it is
over-ridden by ClamAV.

At 13:29 28/09/2004, you wrote:
>With the following ruleset:
>From: ebruce at yes
>To: edwardbruce at yes
>FromOrTo: default no
>I get the following results when I send an encrypted zip file:
>Sep 27 16:50:50 mail2 postfix/smtpd[11139]: B995330A88E:
>Sep 27 16:50:50 mail2 postfix/cleanup[10856]: B995330A88E:
>message-id=<41587C93.5040402 at>
>Sep 27 16:50:52 mail2 postfix/nqmgr[10556]: B995330A88E:
>from=<ebruce at>, size=371237, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
>Sep 27 16:50:52 mail2 postfix/nqmgr[10556]: B995330A88E:
>to=<edwardbruce at>, relay=none, delay=2, status=deferred
>(deferred transport)
>Sep 27 16:50:56 mail2 MailScanner[10675]: ClamAVModule::INFECTED::
>Encrypted.Zip:: ./B995330A88E/
>Sep 27 16:50:56 mail2 MailScanner[10675]: ClamAVModule::INFECTED::
>Encrypted.Zip:: ./B995330A88E/Copy of
>Sep 27 16:50:57 mail2 MailScanner[10675]: Infected message B995330A88E
>came from
>Sep 27 16:50:57 mail2 MailScanner[10675]: Saved entire message to
>Sep 27 16:50:57 mail2 MailScanner[10675]: Saved infected
>"" to /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20040927/B995330A88E
>Sep 27 16:50:58 mail2 MailScanner[10675]: Saved infected "Copy of
>" to /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20040927/B995330A88E
>Sep 27 16:50:58 mail2 MailScanner[10675]: Requeue: B995330A88E to A957037E49C
>Peter Bonivart wrote:
>>No Name wrote:
>>>I have a similiar problem. I attempted to setup a ruleset, but no
>>>matter what
>>>I do it doesn't work. I've first tried:
>>Some virus scanners mark encrypted files as viruses since they can't be
>>scanned. What's the output of the scanner? I use your first example and
>>it works just fine for me so I doubt MS is the problem.

Julian Field
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