Stephen Fletcher stephen at STEPHENFLETCHER.CO.UK
Sun May 2 00:07:37 IST 2004


I'm running a Cobalt RAQ4 and have just upgraded MailScarrer to version
4.30-3.  The install of the rpm package seemed to go fine, but when I try
to restart Mailscanner using the command /etc/rc.d/init.d/MailScanner stop
it simply wont let me.

Having looked at my maillog I get the following error messages repeating
every so often:

May  2 00:03:13 www MailScanner[14247]: Could not read
file /var/run/
May  2 00:03:13 www MailScanner[14247]: Error in line 118,
file "/var/run/" for pidfile does not exist (or can not be

Having checked out if the file exists, it doesnt, I tried
running the install script again with no luck. Mailscanner is not scanning
any of my emails at the moment, but thankfully I am still receving my email
(and spam!).

Is it possible for anyone to email me file? What are the
permissions on the file and /var/run/ directory meant to be?

Thanks for your help,

Stephen Fletcher
stephen at

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